
Museum presents temporary exhibition inspired by horror cinema

15 de May, 2024

‘Oh, the horror? is an act of public communication of the results achieved by Susana Henriques, a 2nd year Master’s student in History of Art, Heritage and Visual Culture at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto.


From painting to sculpture, passing through the decorative arts, the reflection starts with cinema and studies how it reflects the artistic tendencies present in examples from the various collections of the Soares dos Reis National Museum, placed in dialogue with images from a particular genre: horror cinema.

As the Romantic period was characterised by a focus on introspection and an appreciation of emotions, it proved to be a favourable time for renewed critical analysis in the arts, particularly in the pursuit of the Gothic, from which new ideas emerged that have continually evolved to the present day.


Maria Carolina da Silva Rocha, a 4th year Communication Design student at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, also collaborated in the exhibition.


The exhibition opens on 18 May and will be open to the public until 30 June.