
Meetings on Saturday | August

Online Registration

Minimum of 5 and maximum of 15 participants

On Saturday the meeting point is at MNSR. Take advantage of MNSR’s proposals for a different morning or afternoon, alone or with others.

Sunshine: light and painting
Guided visit
5 August, 3pm
Public | youth and adults
Value | Entrance ticket + 2 euros


InstaSelfie – World Youth Day
August 12, 10am
Public | 12 to 29 years old
Value | Free
What are the most iconic portraits, self-portraits and busts in the long-term exhibition? Will you have a look-alike or a portrait with whom you most identify? After a free visit to the Soares dos Reis National Museum (MNSR), take your InstaSelfie and share it with us. The activity is part of World Youth Day and is aimed at young people aged 12 to 29. There are prizes in the Museum store for the images with the most likes that identify the account www.instagram.com/museunacionalsoaresdosreis.


The portrait in artistic production: what representations?
Guided visit
August 19, 3pm
Public | youth and adults
Value | Entrance ticket + 2 euros


Landscape painting in Naturalism
Guided visit
August 26th, 3pm
Public | youth and adults
Value | Entrance ticket + 2 euros