from 12 to 29 years old
What are the most iconic portraits, self-portraits and busts in the long-term exhibition? Will you have a look-alike or a portrait with whom you most identify? After a free visit to the Soares dos Reis National Museum (MNSR), take your InstaSelfie and share it with us. The activity is part of World Youth Day and is aimed at young people aged 12 to 29. There are prizes in the Museum store for the images with the most likes that identify the account www.instagram.com/museunacionalsoaresdosreis.
Description and operation
To mark International Youth Day, the Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis (MNSR) intends to bring together young people in a single activity to take place in person at the long-term exhibition and with publications on the official Instagram account. Divided into 3 age groups – from 12 to 17 years old, from 18 to 23 years old and from 24 to 29 years old –, participants and their families take selfies next to portraits, self-portraits or busts in the exhibition, using props distributed throughout the Museum’s rooms.
At reception, visitors are encouraged to participate in the activity by filling out a registration form and authorization to share images.
From 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, images are taken in the Museum’s galleries and published on visitors’ Instagram accounts using the official account www.instagram.com/museunacionalsoaresdosreis. Only images alluding to the theme of selfies with portraits, self-portraits or busts will be considered, in which the available props are used, which identify the Museum’s account and in which the number of likes is public.
The number of likes for each image will be counted until 5pm, visible in the https://www.instagram.com/museunacionalsoaresdosreis/tagged/ tab.
A partir das 17h30 são entregues prémios ao participante com mais likes por grupo etário.