ICAMT – ICOM International Committee for Architecture and Museum Techniques promotes with the University of Porto the 49th International Conference, from October 25th to 27th, 2023, in the Almeida Garrett Municipal Library Auditorium, in Porto. The Soares dos Reis National Museum is one of the official partners of the event.
Tomorrow, Conference participants will have the opportunity to visit the Soares dos Reis National Museum.
The International Committee for Architecture and Museum Techniques (ICAMT) of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) annually organizes an important international conference that brings together experts from different areas, namely museography, museology, architecture and exhibition design.
This year, the 49th International Conference is promoted in partnership with the Portuguese entities Transdisciplinary Research Center Culture, Space and Memory (CITCEM) and Center for Architecture and Urban Studies (CEAU).
The main theme of the conference will be “Undoing conflict in museums: materiality and meaning of museum architecture and exhibition design”. Conference participants will be able to focus their reflections on the importance of conflicts, debating how opposing ideas can foster change and evolution in museums and exhibitions, and on the role of architecture and exhibition design in managing conflict in museums.
As part of the partnership established with the Soares dos Reis National Museum, on October 25th, conference participants will have the opportunity to visit the museum, focusing on the curatorial aspects related to the process of developing and assembling the long-term exhibition, as well as the architectural aspects of the building.