Commissioner – Amândio Barros, Amélia Polónia, João Paulo Oliveira e Costa, Francisco Contente Rodrigues (in memoriam)
Executive Commissioner – Adelaide Carvalho and Ana Anjos Mântua
The FERNÃO DE MAGALHÃES exhibition. BY THE SEAS OF THE WHOLE WORLD documents the circumnavigation voyage (1519 to 1522), initially conceived and commanded by Fernão de Magalhães and completed by Sebastião Elcano. Held in partnership with the Mission Structure of the V Centenary of the First Circum-Navigation Voyage and curated by Amélia Polónia, Amândio Barros and João Paulo Costa, the exhibition focuses on the story of a discovery – the discovery of the blue planet and the Pacific Ocean – and includes a section dedicated to the biography of Ferdinand Magellan and his experiences in the service of the Portuguese Empire and another on the memory that the world preserves of Magellan today.